how to use $ get variable in single quotes string in linux
how to use $ get variable in single quote string in linux
In Linux, you can use the $ sign to reference a variable in a single quote string. However, the variable will not be expanded or evaluated inside the single quotes.
For example, if you have a variable named “myvar” with the value “hello”, and you want to use it inside a single quote string, you can do the following:
echo 'The value of myvar is: $myvar'
The output will be:
The value of myvar is: $myvar
As you can see, the variable is not expanded inside the single quotes, and the output is just the literal string “$myvar”.
If you want to expand the variable inside the single quotes, you can use double quotes instead. For example:
echo "The value of myvar is: $myvar"
The output will be:
The value of myvar is: hello
As you can see, the variable is expanded inside the double quotes, and the output is the value of the variable.
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