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Python analyzes forum hot content

You: If there is a forum, I collect the content of the forum discussion that day, how can I quickly analyze the hot content of the forum discussion, using python ChatGPT: To quickly analyze the hot content of a forum discussion using Python, you can use natural language processing (NLP) techniques to extract the most relevant topics and sentiment from the forum discussion. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it: Scrape the forum content: You can use a web scraping library like BeautifulSoup or Scrapy to scrape the forum content for the day. Preprocess the text: Preprocessing the text involves cleaning the data by removing stop words, special characters, and punctuation marks. You can use NLTK or SpaCy for preprocessing. Tokenize the text: Tokenization is the process of breaking down text into smaller parts called tokens. You can use the tokenizer from NLTK or SpaCy to tokenize the text.……



用python将html转换为pdf,如果在浏览器的网页上,选择网页内容然后右键点击打印然后保存就可以转换为pdf 但是用python怎么做呢? pip安装pdfkit库 pip install pdfkit 下载wkhtmltopdf 下面地址有许多不同操作系统的发行版,请按需下载,并放到系统的path目录 https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf/releases/ 然后就可……



如何使用python读取chrome的书签? 使用如下命令安装pip库 pip install chrome-bookmarks 使用方法: import chrome_bookmarks for folder in chrome_bookmarks.folders: print(folder.name) print(folder.folders) for url in chrome_bookmarks.urls: print(url.url, url.name)……


基于 centos 的 vps的基础开发环境准备

centos的基础环境 1.ssh私钥登录配置 将本机电脑.ssh目录下的id_rsa.pub 拷贝到服务器的.ssh目录的authorized_kyes文件里面 如果没有.ssh目录,创建一个.ssh目录,和创建authorized_kyes文件 修改authorized_keys文件的……
